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The 10 best immune boosters from your kitchen

A strong defense we can get in a very natural way: These foods protect against annoying colds and the best part : Many foods that boost the immune system, you certainly have in the kitchen anyway.

Pistachios & Co. do the immune system well
Photo: Food & Photo

These 10 foods strengthen your immune system

1. Chicken soup sells inflammation

Chicken soup contains proteins that inhibit inflammation in the nose and throat. In addition, it provides zinc and thus strengthens the defense. Important: To keep the active ingredients, slowly heat the chicken in the cold brew. Once this cooks, reduce the temperature and then let it simmer for 90 minutes on a low heat.

2. Pistachios relieve the immune system

The selenium in the kernels catches pollutants that we absorb with our food. Thus, it relieves the body's defense, which can then proceed with full force against viruses. Important: Every day a small handful of unsalted pistachios provides us with a daily ration selenium.

3. Pumpkin builds up the mucous membranes

The orange pulp contains beta carotene, the precursor of vitamin A. This strengthens the mucous membranes in the mouth and nose - pathogens have a harder time penetrating the body. Important: The reder the pumpkin, the more beta carotene it contains. The variety Hokkaido is therefore particularly valuable. It's best to enjoy a 200g serving twice a week.

4. Fennel protects the respiratory tract

When we notice that a cough is coming, the essential oils increase the movement of the cilia in the airways. As a result, pathogens can be easily coughed out. Important: Pour 2 teaspoons of fennel seeds with 250 ml of hot water, leave for 10 minutes and then drink four cups daily warm.

5. Thyme Bath increases the immune system

A warm bath helps with the first cold symptoms such as shivering or a scratch in the throat. It stimulates blood circulation, transporting defense cells to every corner of our body. Important: Do not bathe hotter than 38 ° C and maximum 20 minutes. After that, the heat strains our body. Avoid fever better.

6. Ginger has a disinfecting effect

Stimulants and essential oils in the tuber have an antibacterial effect and stimulate blood circulation. This makes it more difficult for pathogens to get stuck in our mucous membranes. Important: Many of the valuable ingredients sit directly under the shell. Peel the tuber as thin as possible.

7. Emmentaler increases antibodies

The contained zinc stimulates the production of immune cells. Those who are supplied with zinc on a regular basis can increase their resistance by up to 60 percent. Important: 100 grams of Emmentaler cover half of our daily requirement of this trace element. Another good source is oatmeal.

8. Olive Oil Catches Free Radicals

Already 2 tablespoons of olive oil cover the daily requirement of vitamin E. This catches free radicals, which are eg. B. caused by stress and lack of sleep and otherwise damage our body cells. Important: Vitamin E is heat stable. However, the fatty acids decompose at temperatures from 150 ° C to unhealthy acrolein. Therefore fry it only at low temperatures.

9. Rosehips are vitamin bombs

Rosehips contain more vitamin C than oranges. This activates white blood cells that detect pathogens and render them harmless. Important: Products with highly concentrated vitamin C from the pharmacy help to avert a cold at the first sign.

10. Sauerkraut strengthens the intestinal flora

70 percent of the immune system is in the gut. The lactic acid bacteria contained in the sauerkraut train the defense cells there and thus keep our inner protective shield stable. Important: Only raw herb contains the bacteria, heat destroys them. It is best to eat 150 grams three times a week.

What to do if it caught us?

Our immune system is a strong fighter. Nevertheless, it can happen that a virus finds its way unnoticed into our body. When that happens, the following strategies help you get fit quickly:

If you rest, you will get better faster

Give your body peace. The energy you save is available to your immune system. Even though painkiller symptoms improve in the short term, do not overdo it now.

Help for the respiratory system

Tough mucus should be released to facilitate coughing. In the pharmacy, there are the appropriate drugs.

Read more: How to heal your own infections

Strengthen the immune system: With this nutrition you stay healthy!

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