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Detox Cure: Fix Slim with Detox

The holidays are over and they have gotten strong? Burn the extra calories with a detox cure - and lose up to two kilos daily.

With the detox cure lean into the new year.
Photo: iStock

Annoyingly extra pounds will accumulate over the Christmas holidays. With a detox cure you can lose weight quickly and lose the superfluous weight with ease. You can let the detox cure last up to five days as needed.

This is how the detox cure works

Start the morning with a smoothie

Start your detox cure with a delicious smoothie: 1 pear, 1 apple, ½ banana, 50 g frozen blueberries, 2 white cabbage leaves, 1 piece of ginger and 300 ml of water puree in a blender

For lunch, eat a plate of salad

A large salad with some vinegar oil dressing provides you with plenty of metabolism-activating vitamins and minerals. Eat a small portion of brown rice or fish.

Spoon vegetable soup in the evening

Fires the metabolism overnight: Cook 1 head of broccoli in vegetable stock, puree with the broth, refine with a dash of coconut milk, add 125 g of grilled turkey breast strips.

Snack a vegetable juice

If you feel hungry in between, drink a large glass of vegetable and tomato juice. Makes you full and cleanses the organism, so you can pull together during their detox cure easier not to nibble.

Light endurance sports

Allow yourself at least 30 minutes of exercise. Whether you go for a walk or prefer jogging: fresh air is good and clears your mind. Purification and fat loss are in full swing.

Sleep a lot

Treat yourself to at least eight hours of sleep during the night. During this time important growth hormones are formed and fat is broken down. Even a nap helps with purifying.

What to avoid during your detox cure:

Animal and hardened fats: These are stuck in sausages such as tea sausage or in margarine and inhibit the metabolism. Finished Products: Often contain starch, sugar and unhealthy fats. Cereal products: Bread z. B. causes the blood sugar levels rise too high. Sweetening and sugar: The combination of sugar and fat slows down the fat loss.
