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The real reason for Kim Kardashian's breakup

Kris Humphries called for Kim Kardashian's retirement

Kim Kardashian / ©

There are probably only two things that a man can do to have his wife file a divorce immediately and after just 72 days of marriage: he either goes astray, or he puts pressure on his wife to give up everything that is dear to her In the case of Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries there was probably no infidelity, but the macho attire of a professional athlete who did not cope with the celebrity lifestyle of his wife in the end. According to an exclusive report from broadcaster "ENTV", he is said to have told Kim that he was sick of being constantly harassed by the cameras and dropped out of the reality show that meant their lives. Kris Humphries showed no respect for What is important to Kim in life? Furthermore, Kris Humphries is said to have demanded that Kim Kardashian move with him to Minnesota immediately, if she does not want to endanger the relationship. Could there be something in the theory? Well, in a trailer for the new season of "Kourtney and Kim Take NY, " Kris gruffly exclaims, "Baby, by the time you have kids and they go to school, nobody's going to be around you anyway "Is Kim Kardashian the victim of this short-term relationship in the end, and she did well to draw the line?"

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