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Editor'S Choice

The Vata type

Important for the active Vata type: relaxation and rest periods for regeneration
Photo: Lev Dolgatshjov, fotolia

Young and beautiful with Ayurveda

The Vata-type is slim, sensitive has a quick comprehension. He also tends to sleep disorders. What should a Vata type pay attention to?

Clean & detoxify

The best anti-aging recipe for you is exactly what you often find difficult: good sleep. Because at night the body regenerates. It releases rejuvenating hormones, repairs cells and removes toxins. It is best not to eat for two to three hours before going to sleep - and in the evening to grab light meals such as vegetable soup.


You have not only a sensitive nature, but also sensitive taste buds that make you a true foodie. However, under stress you are prone to poor appetite or indigestion. Hot, vitamin-rich foods are great for you. For example, stews of pumpkin or carrots are ideal. Also good: stewed fruit, rice and fish. Better avoid raw food.


Vata people are fast-paced, their circulation and breathing are programmed to pace. But: effort is nothing for her delicate physique. Also pressure, competitions or boring routines are not their thing. Much better: varied, playful sports with dance-like elements, such as aerobics, tai-chi, walking or dancing. How about a dance class? Also ideal: Walk one hour three times a week. Or take a brisk walk during your lunch break or in the evening. The movement in the fresh air is good for you and also provides a free head.

Relax & care

Her rather dehydrated skin tends to rough areas - if added to stress, it quickly becomes brittle. At the same time, you feel exhausted and your muscles are tense. The ayurvedic solution: pamper your body with a sesame oil massage after every shower. The best way to apply the oil on the still moist skin and massage with circular movements of the feet to the fingertips. Knead neck and shoulders especially intensively. This relaxes the muscles and relaxes you deeply. The valuable fatty acids of the oil also make your skin wonderfully supple.

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