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The new Kate-LookHerzogin Kate has a new hairstyle - and we want to have them all

Ahhhhhh, screech alarm - Duchess Kate has a new hairstyle

We love the new Kate look
Photo: Getty Images

, And she looks great! Total Have Wanted Alarm and finally over with the eternally same hairstyle trotting at the court. For years, Kate wore her hair more or less the same: sometimes as a braid or open. But always the same brown, the same length and the same cut. Duchess Kate has a new hairstyle!

Duchess Kate has become bolder: After she had initially decided to a naughty pony hairstyle - it is rumored that she did not like her so much - she now wears a great transition hairstyle. A bit lighter, a bit shorter and the pony a bit longer: Kate's new look finally looks fresher. That fits well with the newly minted two-mom.

Although the princess will probably not have any trouble freeing up time for her styling, her mommy look is really good. And probably her new style will be like her clothes. From now on we see a lot of hairstyle lookalikes on the street!

That's what Kate looked like earlier!

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