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The man and the handbag

Blogger Adriana about men and bags

Sometimes, I admit, I need my friend to join me in dress shopping. His enthusiasm for it, as you can imagine, is limited.

Photo: Thinkstock

What should he do there? Well, advise me. Say, "Honey, that's excellent for you!" - but of course only if that's the case!

Sometimes, I admit, I urge my friend to join me in dress shopping. His enthusiasm for it, as you can imagine, is limited. What should he do there? Well, advise me. Say, "Honey, that's excellent for you!" - but of course only if that's the case!

So if I ever joined a show like "Shopping Queen", I would hook up my friend to a lie detector. It was not necessary yet, we were just shopping for some pants. He can, for a man, very good rate. Are you sitting too close, too far, are you doing a nice butt? Sometimes I think he would take that as a cheap and legal excuse to stare at my butt in public. I'm not complaining. So, as we waddled through a hopelessly overcrowded store, I noticed the faces of at least three other gentlemen who had to serve as shopping companions and who would probably have preferred root canal treatment to the dentist without anesthesia.

Marc, my friend, seemed at least slightly amused when I parked him on the sofa in front of the dressing rooms and disappeared with three trousers behind the curtain. Instead of thinking about the accessories like shoes to my pants, I could not escape the question of the "why?" Why are men so annoyed? Sure, it's not her favorite hobby, but it's not going to the slaughter, is it? So what is it that bothers her so much about us women in shopping craze? So I started a field trial with my friend. What would he endure for how long and when would his mood inevitably reach its low point? First the classic question: which pants should it be? All three of them I showed him, in all three he was excited, even gave useful tips like: "You can not put on your red sneakers." Oha, he knew the contents of my shoe cabinet by heart. Good man! I decided to join him for a football match. Even in the choice of jewelry, he turned on well, his mood was perhaps not the best, but it went without any problems. So maybe my husband is the big exception? At the queue to the cash register we were witnesses of a solid fight of the couple in front of us. What exactly happened, we could not say exactly. It started with the stress of shopping, but before we knew it, she threw something about socks under the couch and wet towels on the bathroom floor.

He was excited about her hair in the drain and the pink scented candles. Aha. And then, without warning, it happened. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Marc's panicked gaze, which looked suspiciously like that of the young man in front of me. His girlfriend had recognized a bargain somewhere further back, turned to him with the words "Hold my purse!" And shot across the store.

The man who can also turn off a purse, and then I saw the extent of the horror like a pile-up. The man and the handbag. Marc turned away somewhat bashful, and avoided looking at the poor boy, perhaps to save him even more embarrassment. Indeed. There's no way, but really no way for a man to look cool or masculine while holding a woman's handbag in his hand. No, not even a man's handbag looks good on him. At first he tried to keep her as casual as a gym bag, but that reminded Jorge from "Let's dance" rather than a cool athlete. Trying to carry her casually over her shoulder made it even worse. Even Bruce Darnell would give up at this point. Marc stared at his shoe tips, trying to get invisible. This is what he usually only looks like when my mother asks him about the wedding planning ... "Marc, would you be so good and could hold my bags for a moment? I'll be right back. "Horror in his face, the brave nod as he accepts my bag and I disappear behind a shelf of leggings. From here I watch him. The two men exchange a look - that's what it must have felt to have been sent to war, one might say. But no, they should just casually hold a women's handbag.

They both do not succeed. So my friend puts the bag on the floor and pretends he has nothing to do with it. Instead, he zips things into his cell phone eagerly, as if he were just by chance standing next to this purse. As it goes a bit forward at the box office, he pushes her casually and almost casually with his foot forward. I'm almost proud of him. Even at a distance, handbags on men simply look incredibly out of place. But my friend, who knows my shoe cabinet by heart and gives me good tips when buying jewelery, manages to overplay the embarrassing moment with his casualness - simply wonderful. Full of pride I march past the other ladies and gentlemen, pick up my bag and stand next to him. He smiles with relief and does not seem to understand why I look at him so proudly. Yes, a real splendid specimen. My husband can - even turn off a purse.

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