- Never again winter blues!
- Light therapy: the sun replacement
- Phytotherapy: the power of plants
- Homeopathy: gentle strengthening
- Aromatherapy: to flatter the soul
- Diet: Eat yourself happy
- When the soul needs help
Never again winter blues!
Seasonally-related depression call medical experts the mood low between October and March, which is often associated with fatigue, sleep and concentration disorders. According to surveys, 20 percent of adults are affected, women more often than men.
The main reason for the permanent tribulation is the lack of light. We get up in the dark, come home in the dark and spend too much time in between with artificial light. The result: The body switches to "hibernation", slows down the production of the happiness hormone serotonin and distributes more hormone melatonin - and that is responsible for the fatigue.
Light therapy: the sun replacement
For some time, we know that this process can be reversed with very bright light. Psychologists even successfully use light therapy for depression . Devices for home should have a light intensity of at least 10, 000 lux (in the electrical trade, from 100 euros).
But the eyes are not the only sensory organs that can transmit light to our brain: Finnish scientists have found that it also goes beyond the ears. For this you need a small device that looks like an MP3 player and directs strong LED light via earplugs to photosensitive brain sections (from Valkee, about 200 euros). This demonstrably boosts performance and improves your mood. Already six to twelve minutes daily.
Phytotherapy: the power of plants
Even natural medicine knows effective recipes against emotional sagging. Thus, 1, 000 years ago, skilled monks knew about the mood-enhancing effect of St. John's wort.
Today, the power of the yellow-flowering plant is also scientifically proven: its ingredients increase the serotonin concentration in the brain. St. John's wort preparations (eg "Laif 900 Balance", over-the-counter at the pharmacy) should be taken for at least two weeks.
Homeopathy: gentle strengthening
Many naturopaths recommend homeopathic preparations for winter complaints. The highly diluted substances (eg from DHU, over the counter, pharmacy) help quickly and stimulate our immune system to heal itself. Cocculus D12 is a good remedy for stress and fatigue, Zincum metallicum D12 has proven its worth in sleep disorders, and Acidum phosphoricum D12 is recommended in case of depressive mood. Three globules three times a day.
Several active ingredients are combined in the complex agent "Manuia" (over-the-counter, pharmacy), which should strengthen both body and soul. Three tablets a day for six weeks.
Aromatherapy: to flatter the soul
That scents can have a beneficial effect on the mind, we already know from cooking. Just think of Christmas baking or roast pork. With essential oils in the bath water or in the fragrance lamp can even relieve various symptoms.
Against inclement winter weather, we recommend the following mixture: 1 drop Angelika oil (strengthens the nerves), 2 drops of geranium oil (makes good mood), 3 drops of lavender oil (calms) and 5 drops of bergamot oil (relaxed).
Diet: Eat yourself happy
The bad news in advance: "Nervenahrung" unfortunately has many calories. So enjoy only in moderation, otherwise the good mood when looking at the scales right back into the basement.
The most important foods for the soul are avocados, salmon, cashews, bananas, shiitake mushrooms and chocolate.
Otherwise: Drink a lot of hot tea, and eat as often as possible warm, the soul is also good. And put more chili and ginger for seasoning - as additional Einheizer.
When the soul needs help
Occasional sagging is normal in the dark season. But if the symptoms persist despite our gentle tips, if you do not like to get up in the morning, and if you get anxiety and constant pondering, you should talk to your doctor. Behind it could be a depression . The sooner she is treated, the greater the chances of recovery.
More information about depression can be found here.