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Depression in men - first warning sign

Dangerous: depression in men is diagnosed less frequently.
Photo: © sielemann -
  1. Women take care!
  2. Stress and life crises lead to mental disorders
  3. Recognize erectile dysfunction as a warning sign

Women take care!

For fear of not performing the usual or expected performance, men displace mental illness. Only when the consequences are grave and massive conspicuous, they request a treatment. Many depression in men also go undetected or even end in suicide. As the Men's Health Report 2013 announces, three times as many men as women committed suicide in 2011. To prevent this, we provide you with symptoms to help you understand how your husband is doing.

Stress and life crises lead to mental disorders

Work stress triggered by pressure to perform, constant availability, flexibility requirements, temporary employment and the associated financial uncertainties lead to mental illness. But separations and divorces also play an important role in the disease of depression in men .

This is rarely diagnosed in men. Above all, it expresses itself primarily in an increased addiction and risk behavior, increased aggression and violence. Warning signs that mask the classic signs of depression such as sadness, sleep disorders and listlessness.

Recognize erectile dysfunction as a warning sign

But erectile dysfunction can also be recognized as a clear warning sign of mental illness or even depression in men .

From the age of 40, impotence can manifest itself in men, from age 50 onward, almost 16 percent of them are affected, and their number doubles over the next 10 years of life.

It is triggered by factors such as stress, smoking, alcohol abuse, sexual anxiety, pregnancy anxiety, as well as chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure, kidney disease, liver dysfunction, elevated blood lipid levels, hormonal changes in old age or a range of medications.

More information can be found under "Diet and Health " and on FACEBOOK .

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