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Enteritis : Definition, causes and symptoms

An intestinal inflammation is a diarrheal disease. In intestinal inflammation, the intestine refuses its work. Normally, the juices in the digestive system split up carbohydrates, fats and proteins so they can be used by the body. In case of an intestinal inflammation this process is suspended. Because when the intestine is attacked by germs, it reacts with diarrhea, to dispose of them quickly. In addition, it can then come to the intestinal inflammation, which is triggered for example by incompatible or bacterially contaminated food.

The exact causes of intestinal disease Ulcerative colitis (severe inflammatory bowel disease with frequent, often bloody diarrhea) and Crohn's disease (chronic enteritis) are unknown. The intestinal inflammation may be caused by malfunction of the immune system in these cases. In intestinal inflammation almost always painful cramps and diarrhea occur. Inflammation, fever and - if the stomach is affected - nausea and vomiting can also occur in an intestinal inflammation. Also, blood or mucus in the stool are possible signs of an intestinal inflammation. An investigation provides clarity on the severity of bowel inflammation and prevents complications such as bowel obstruction.

Enteritis: Treatment

In case of an intestinal inflammation diarrhea occurs and thus the loss of fluid and minerals, which must be compensated necessarily. Diarrhea brings relief. Sometimes antibiotic treatment is required for bowel inflammation or surgical intervention is needed. If the cause of intestinal inflammation is psychological support and relaxation exercises are recommended.

Enteritis: Prevention and self-help

To prevent a bowel inflammation, you should definitely pay attention to a balanced and high-fiber diet and drink plenty. Alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and unhealthy fats (for example in fast food) should be avoided. These too can increase the risk of intestinal inflammation.

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