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Is it allowed to show children like this?

A child should be allowed to be a child, it says in many comments under the currently discussed Instagram photo.
Photo: iStock

Lolita alert! This photo of a 5 year old makes for excitement

Curved eyeliner, bright red lips, practiced pose: So poses a five-year-old in a photo that is now on Instagram for fierce discussions. Exaggerated excitement or absolutely irresponsible?

My future daughter #soCute (this is not my makeup)

A photo posted by Mario Dedivanovic (@makeupbymario) on Jun 22, 2015 at 11:56 am

The man behind Kim Kardashian's famous contouring look is currently fueling a heated debate on the social web. A few days ago, make-up artist Mario Dedivanovic posted a photo of a little girl on Instagram - fully made-up, including a curved eyeliner, flushed cheeks and deep red lips. The reaction of his followers: Somewhere between affirmation and horror.

The picture that Dedivanovic titled "My Future Daughter #soCute (this is not my makeup)" ("My Future Daughter # soSweet (that's not my makeup)") has so far garnered more than 17, 000 likes. In addition, almost 900 comments. Their tenor: You should not show a little girl like that - no matter if the photo is from him or not.

"Too young, babies should not look like women, " commented a follower. "That sends the wrong message to all the little girls, " wrote another. "It's beautiful and does not need make-up, it's too grown-up, protect the innocent, " continues the post.

In the middle of all the criticism there is also some encouragement for Dedivanovic 'photo: "People are so judgmental! I've seen little beauty queens with more make-up and hair products than this, there are places and times for everything, of course, it's a photo -Shooting and that's WONDERFUL ?? ", so a comment.

And really, the photo comes from a shoot for the American "Saplings" children's magazine. The girl is the children's model Harper Tillman, responsible for the styling: her mother Kiki. Mario Dedivanovic has not commented on the flood of comments - but the mere fact that he has not deleted the photo from his Instagram feed seems to be enough.

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