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Coldplay distribute notes

Coldplay has a special evaluation board to help them choose their songs for the new album

Chris Martin

Chris Martin / ©

The band members Chris Martin, Will Champion, Jonny Buckland and Guy Berryman are currently working on their fifth studio album and have already written over 50 songs. Now the Brit rockers ('Fix You') have to decide which songs to put on the album, For this, they grade the works on a wall with A, B and C. A Coldplay retroadie reveals: "The ideas were written down, each on their own card." There are, inevitably, quite a few cards, from tiny songs that were played only once, up to stuff the band has been playing for months - everything is placed on the wall. "The cards are split into groups A, B and C. "The songs in List A are pieces that are recorded, but the B-works are not confirmed yet, and the songs in Group C are falling by the wayside." 'The Beehive' follows the album 'Viva la Vida or Death' and All His Friends' of 2008 and will probably be released later this year.

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