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Editor'S Choice

Célia von Bismarck: Fate can be so cruel


Anyone who knew Célia von Bismarck knows that Germany's nobility lost a figure of light with her. The attractive Swiss woman, who now died of skin cancer at the age of just 39, was by no means blue-blooded by birth. Rather, she came from a wealthy bourgeois family from Geneva - the father real estate owner, the mother of a designer from Hamburg. Adelig was Célia Demaurex until 1997, when she married the Erbgrafen Carl Eduard von Bismarck (49) after seven years of "examination". Seven more years, both were welcome guests at many parties. Then Célaa's dream to reside as Princess of Bismarck in the Sachsenwaldschloss Friedrichsruh was dashed. Her marriage was in crisis and was divorced in 2004. She had no children. Célia von Bismarck went to Berlin and enriched as a quiet, elegant style icon many charity galas and private parties. Always unique: their friendliness, their unobtrusive nature and their elegance.

However, she did not find a second great love. Also a golden future professional (she worked for a while as a crisis manager) and socially she was not granted. A few weeks ago, an old cancer condition returned, which she believed to have overcome over 15 years ago. A cure was no longer possible. Only good friends knew how bad it was for them. Her ex-husband Count Carl-Eduard von Bismarck asked for understanding that he did not want to speak publicly about Célaas death. "That's too sad, " he said.
