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Cheryl Shepard: "My husband and I are thriving in the garden of love

Cheryl Shepard and husband Nicholas refresh their love.
Photo: Imago / STAR-MEDIA

"In all friendship"

She is celebrating her tenth anniversary with "In All Friendship": Cheryl Shepard (47). Now the sympathetic actress speaks openly about the love for her husband Nikolaus Okonkwo (50).

Why is it important to refresh romantic memories?

Cheryl Shepard: Some couples do not stop discussing their problems. That does not weld right now. One should try to solve problems and then let them rest. And rediscover what connects you as a couple.

How do you do that?

Cheryl Shepard: Remembering good times. Take a walk with your partner at your favorite place and enjoy the moment. That brings new momentum.

Does this work for you?

Cheryl Shepard: In my relationship that works perfectly. For example, when it crashed. You take a step towards each other and experience something beautiful together again. This helps one not only to see the negative.

Does that protect you from the failure of a relationship in the long term?

Cheryl Shepard: too. You have to apply this principle as long as there is something to save. Couple care actually begins on the first day of being together and does not stop.

But does not a therapy mean that one is already unhappy?

Cheryl Shepard: Not always. A happy couple can learn how to stay happy. So the danger of it going awry is extremely small.

What else helps to make a relationship work?

Cheryl Shepard: You can not take everything for granted. I can not expect a relationship to go by itself. A relationship is like a garden that needs to flower. Then you can also look forward to this variety of flowers.

So work too?

Cheryl Shepard: Definitely. But a beauty. You have to do something for a good relationship . You have to take care of them properly. One does not even start to water flowers when they have withered. In the case of my husband and I, it certainly blooms in the garden of love (laughs).

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