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Burger King: Conditions in Yi-Ko branches continue to be horrendous

Photo: Burger King

Revelation journalist Wallraff

All Burger King stores operated by Yi-Ko-Holding are dense. Journalist Wallraff reveals: The conditions have not improved.

Expired food, lack of work safety and overworked contracts - the largest franchise Burger Kings, the Yi-Ko-Holding, was terminated last week, because nothing should have changed in the horrible conditions.

In the early part of 2014, the team around investigative reporter Günter Wallraff undercover in some Burger King branches and uncovered catastrophic abuses. The result: two of the affected branches were closed immediately. Half a year later, Burger King divested itself of its largest franchise company without notice. By now, all 89 branches operated by Yi-Ko-Holding are closed.

Burger King boss Andreas Bork to BILD: " (...) After the hygiene scandal in May, initially much has improved, but since the summer there were repeated violations of the agreements, so yesterday we terminated all contracts without notice ."

And indeed - nothing has changed. Revelation journalist Wallraff once again has been covertly investigated by Burger King and has encountered unacceptable conditions for the second time.

1. An undercover reporter was able to see how expired food has been relabelled and sold as crisp.

2. Old bread rolls that have already passed the BBD should have been bagged in new packaging with the wrong BBD.

3. Work safety does not seem to have improved. Employees still use dangerous cutting tools without the protection of special gloves.

4. Precarious: In a branch dripped toilet water from the 1st pieces in the kitchen of the EC. The Yi-Ko-Holding did not want to pay more than 150 € for the repair, they say.

It becomes clear: The conditions at Burger King have not improved since the first visit by investigative journalist Wallraff - on the contrary! The separation of Yi-Ko-Holding is actually only a matter of time.
