Replace the first tr with 3 ch at the beginning of each tr round. The round with 1 Kett-M in the 3.
Close end of round.
At the beginning of each dc Round, replace the first dc with 1 ch. Close the round with 1 sl st in the 1st ch from beg of round. At the beginning of each row replace the first tr with tr.
When changing colors, crochet as follows: Crochet the last tr with the first color, but do not pick the thread last time, change to the next color, and then pull the thread through, then crochet the next tr. When crocheting with 2 colors, place the thread of the unneeded color on top of the M of the front and, when crocheting, grip around the thread, in this way the thread is hidden in the stitches. Make sure that the carried along thread is not too tight! If the last tr of the previous round and the first tr of the next round have a different color, crochet the first tr to the first tr: Crochet the last tr with the first color, but the thread last time do not fetch yet, change to the new color and get the thread last time, 1 sl st in the 3rd ch from beg of round, then crochet 3 ch (= round to start).
1 tr in the next 2 trs crocheted as follows: 1 tr, but do not pick the thread last time (= 2 slings on the crochet hook), then crochet the next tr and then pick the thread last time and through Pull all 3 slings on the crochet hook.
DECREASE TIP-1 (evenly spaced): To calculate how many times an Rd must be taken, divide the total number of Std's of the Rd, eg 56 tr, by the number of declines you want to make, eg 5, divide = 11 ; 2. That is, in this example, about every 10th and 11th M is zusgestr.
See diagrams A.1 and A.2. The diagrams show the colors of the slipper. 1 square in the diagram = 1 tr.
The piece is crocheted in Rd, from top to bottom, from the back center. Cast on 64 sts (Lm) with crochet hook No. 4.5 with sea blue. Crochet 3 ch (= 1 stick (tr)) - Read Crochet INFO, 1 tr in first ch from lm ring, * skip 1 ch, 1 tr in each of the next 6 ch, * - * wdh = 56 tr. Pattern A.1 (= 8 sts) a total of 7 times in the round - read COLOR PATTERNS! BE AWARE OF MESH TASTING! When A.1 is crocheted 1 x in height, the arb has a total length of about 16 cm. Crochet 1 round with 1 tr in each tr. With raspberry and AT THE SAME TIME dissolve 8 tr. Evenly distributed = 48 tr. 1 Attach marker between the 24th and 25th st (marks the front center). Cut the thread and sew it.
Now crochet in back and forth-R. Skip 5 tr after marker and start in 6th tr. Crochet with raspberry as follows: 1 tr in each of the next 38 tr (= 10 trs remaining at the front center, crochet over these trunks). Crochet 1 tr in each tr since the piece is 7-8-9 cm from the marker (= 23-24-25 cm in total).
Crochet the next row as follows: 1 tr in the first 15 tr, the next 2 tr in the same pattern - READ DECREASE TIP, * 1 tr in the next tr, then crochet the next 2 tr *, from * - * a total of 2 times, each Work 1 tr in the last 15 tr = 35 tr. 1 crochet 1 tr in each tr. Crochet the next row as follows: 1 tr in each of the first 15 tr, * crochet the next 2 tr *, from * - * a total of 3 times, finish with 1 tr in the last 14 tr = 32 tr. The arb has one Total length of about 26-27-28 cm in total. Cut the thread, leaving the thread end approx. 25 cm long (for sewing together).
Close the seam under the foot. Sew the thread.
Crochet with raspberry. Start in the middle under the foot (ie at the seam under the foot). Crochet 14-16-18 tr in evenly spaced sts around the tr toe (ie before the tr on the shaft) until 1 R is left to crochet 1 tr around the last tr-R, but do not pick the thread last time, Take 1 tr in the first tr of the stock and then pick the yarn last time and pull through all the slings on the crochet hook (= 1 tr), work 1 tr in the next 8 tr over the stock, 1 tr in the last tr, However, do not pick the thread last time, 1 tr around the first st-b and now the thread last time and pull through all the loops on the crochet hook (= 1 tr decreased), 14-16-18 tr evenly distributed over Crochet the last tr-row = 38-42-46 tr. Crochet 2 round with 1 tr in each tr and remove 1-3-3 tr evenly divided in each round - READ DECREASE TIP-1 (= 2-6-6 Crochet a total of = 36-36-40 tr. Crochet 1 tr in each tr until the piece has a length of 6-8-10 cm from the marker. Then crochet A.2 (= 4 tr) for a total of 9-9-10 times in the round. When A.2 is crocheted 1 x in height, continue to work with sea blue as follows: GR. 41/43:
Crochet 1 round with 1 tr in each tr and remove 4 tr in evenly spaced sts = 36 tr. EVERY SIZE: 1st round: * 1 tr in the first / next 2 tr, the next 2 tr in * crochet *, from * - * total 9 x arb = 27 tr. 2nd round: * 1 tr in the first / next tr, then crochet the next 2 tr * *, from * - * a total of 9 x arb = 18 tr 3. RD: Crochet 2 tricks = 9 tr. EVERY SIZE: Cut the thread and thread it through the stitches on the top of the slipper, pull it together and sew well.
Crochet the shank into the lm-placket, in which the first round was crocheted, with sea blue as follows: 1 sc in each sl st in crochet 1 tr in the first round (ie it will not jump into the skipped Crocheted l, = 56 dc).
Crochet the 2nd slipper as well.
Cut 2 threads sea blue at approx. 2 meters. Twist each other until they form resistance, lay them twice and the twine twists around themselves. Make a knot in each end. Thread the cord through the top of the shaft and attach a pompon in all colors at each end.