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Definition, causes and course of disease of bulimia

Bulimia (medical: Bulimia nervosa) is an eating-crushing addiction. This serious addiction disease affects women between the ages of 20 and 30, but also more and more young men. They are attacked several times a week by uncontrollable cravings. When the attack is over, sufferers often feel great shame or fear of getting fat. Therefore, the body is forced to vomit. Often they also take laxatives. Frequent vomiting threatens health risks. This removes important minerals from the body. Gastric acid attacks the teeth, mucous membranes and esophagus. Organs can be damaged. Many people who suffer from bulimia are suicidal. The cause of the disease is usually a disturbed self-image. Young people do not like to identify with themselves and their bodies. Similar to anorexia, excessive slimming ideals, family and social conflicts play a role. Food is consumed in quantities far beyond normal levels. Those affected eat as if into intoxication and can not slow themselves down - then they bring the vomiting. The patients are often of normal weight.


Like other serious addicts, people with bulimia need urgent medical and psychological care. In various therapies, they learn to discard distorted self-images and false ideals. Mental problems, for example in connection with the family, need to be worked up.

Prevention and self-help

There is no special way of preventing bulimia . It is important to teach his child a realistic self-image very early on and to promote his self-confidence. Concerned and relatives find many important tips and addresses under

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