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blood poisoning

Definition, causes and course of a blood poisoning

In a blood poisoning (medical: sepsis) germs swamp the body. Small wounds are common in everyday life. After a few moments of shock, they are usually quickly forgotten. But many people do not suspect that a seemingly harmless cut under unfavorable circumstances can cause blood poisoning . Infections of internal organs or an ulcerated tooth are also possible causes of the life-threatening illness. Particularly at risk are people with a weakened immune system. The germs - mostly bacteria - enter the bloodstream and spread through the organism.

There is then uncontrolled inflammation and swelling. Severe disturbances and failures of several organizations at the same time are possible. The ill persons are in danger of circulatory collapse and death if they are not treated promptly by an emergency doctor. Those affected suffer from severe fatigue, fever, chills, dull skin, nausea and vomiting. The blood pressure can drop sharply and the heart often beats frantically. In some cases, blood poisoning is indicated by bluish or reddish streaks on the skin. They show that germs can migrate through the lymphatics and soon pass into the bloodstream. Alert a doctor immediately!

Treatment of blood poisoning

Medicines such as antibiotics fight the disease germs. Infected wounds are cleaned by the doctor. In some cases, surgical procedures on affected organs, artificial respiration and blood washing are necessary.

Prevention and self-help with blood poisoning

To prevent blood poisoning, it is especially important to disinfect wounds - even small ones - with care. In addition, you should pay attention to a healthy diet to strengthen his immune system.

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