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Create blog - professional tips for your own blog

You would like to create your own blog, but you still do not know how? With these steps, you will quickly become a blogger professional!
Photo: Helen King / Corbis
  1. Also want to blog? In six steps to your own blog
  2. Create a blog! Step 1: Search topic
  3. Create a blog! Step 2: Set up blog
  4. Create a blog! Step 3: Consider Structure
  5. Create a blog! Step 4: Do not forget the legal
  6. Create a blog! Step 5: Network
  7. Create a blog! Step 6, for advanced: own hosting

Also want to blog? In six steps to your own blog

Blogging - from the hobby quite new jobs have been developed. Bloggers are popular trend scouts today. The first blogs were about pointing out interesting things in the net. Today, most people use blogs to find and connect with people with similar interests. And: bloggers want to present themselves - but only with what they reveal themselves. Also you want to create a blog ? We give tips!

Create a blog! Step 1: Search topic

Sense of the thing is to be read. Therefore, you should limit yourself to a topic that is really close to your heart, that you know a lot about and that always has something new to say. Many set up a fashion, beauty, cooking or DIY blog, blogging about a hobby - or their special life situation. Our tip: Choose a topic area that is not yet so well represented on the Internet, so that your blog really gets going really fast.

Create a blog! Step 2: Set up blog

Think about which blog software you want to use. Here one differentiates between free blogs and the own hosting of a blog system. Free bloghoster are for example or There you have the opportunity to start blogging without much effort and you do not have to pay for it. Important: The blog systems can not always be customized and changed according to your own ideas! But they are easy to use. You can just pick a suitable design and start writing. As a beginner, you should definitely sign up for the free blogs. This is z. Eg at, or

Comparisons for the best providers are available at On those you can easily create a profile page, upload pictures and videos, and of course: start writing - as easy and fast, as if you would write an e-mail.

Create a blog! Step 3: Structure superior

It is customary to display the contributions chronologically downwards. If you prefer to sort by topic, you can also divide the page into sections. And if you want to communicate directly with your readers, you can set up a (disable) comment function.

Create a blog! Step 4: Do not forget the legal

Pay attention to the data and copyright protection: You may not simply publish copied images or portray people without their permission. In addition, there is the obligation to set up an imprint with information about you as the responsible author (information: Exception: purely private blogs.

Create a blog! Step 5: Network

Once you've created your blog and put the first article online, your goal is to get as many visitors as possible to your blog. The easiest way is through good content. If you post a lot and regularly on relevant topics, your blog will be of interest to Google and you will automatically end up in the search engine's index. Then people come to your side, who have searched for exactly these topics. You should post your blog in various blog directories such as Wikio, Blogger or Top Blogs to get links pointing to your blog. Another great way is to network with other blogs.

Create a blog! Step 6, for advanced: own hosting

If you want to create and manage your blog completely independently (host = host), you need a separate server for that - and some technical understanding (eg via
