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Autonomous Sensory Meridian ResponseASMR: Sleep better after "orgasm in the head

YouTube star Maria explains the effect of ASMR
Photo: YouTube

New phenomenon ASMR helps to fall asleep

Radio plays help children to fall asleep, as adults we sleep like sex after a stone. The phenomenon ASMR combines both: A gentle, whispering voice acts like an "orgasm for the brain" - and ensures deep, firm sleep.

Who does not know that: There you lie in the evening, tired and done in bed - and suddenly the head is wide awake again. Problems and stress regularly prevent around one third of Germans from falling asleep. What helps against it? Listening to rituals such as drinking tea, listening to music or radio plays, and recently watching YouTube videos of Russian Maria.

Their "GentleWhispering" channel is already followed by around 400, 000 subscribers, who are listening to sleep from Maria's soft voice and their calm, flowing movements. This new phenomenon, known as ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response), describes a recovery from sounds such as crackling, watery noise, or calming voices.

ASMR acts like "orgasm in the head"

"It's a pleasant, tingling sensation that you feel when listening to soft, sensitive vocalists, " explains Russian Maria ASMR in one of her videos. And further: "It starts with a prickling in the back of the head and then spreads over the spine." Tingling, tingling and relaxation - no wonder that experts describe ASMR as "orgasm in the head" . As with sexual orgasm, the brain is turned off and the arousal is broken down.

For anyone who also wants to test how such an "orgasm in the head" feels, here's Maria's video.

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