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Resting The 32-hour day: less stress at last?

How many times have we wanted a few more hours a day to check off points 15 and 16 on the to-do list? But do we really need those extra hours? Not necessarily, because with a sophisticated structure and "vital" support, we can get along well with the time given us.

Overtime is no exception in today's world of work. Even if the day had 32 hours, the time would be too short for some people.
Photo: Orthomol

If every day were a little bit longer, we could do a lot more, take things a little more relaxed, and finally meet the demands of everyday life. After all, we all know the bad conscience when we relocate grandmothers, postpone the sport the day after tomorrow, or eat fast food for the third time a week instead of a self-cooked meal. These are the moments when we believe that everything would be better if the day had just an hour or two left. A misconception, because if we had more time, we would get more involved and would certainly be back at the beginning of the problem.

The solution: to use 24 hours effectively and to be less stressed

There is nothing to shake the length of the day. She will not change. That's why it's up to us to change ourselves and put a little pressure on full days. The best way to do this is to organize the day according to priorities: what needs to be done today so that I can be satisfied in the evening, and what can I defer? Those who honestly answer these questions have already gained a lot in their everyday lives.

Still too much? With the help!

Especially if the daily routine is not self-determined, but depends on work, family & Co., it can quickly become too much. The pressure to do justice to the boss, the family and the friends is rising rapidly, and we are losing sight of the necessary rest periods, which are extremely important for compensation. The result: the stress level is at its peak.

In order to be prepared for such situations, in addition to a relaxing balance activity, a vitamin-rich diet is the A & O. In addition, the intake of Mirkonutrstoffen can support the body. The vitamins and minerals contained in it carry z. For example, normal nervous system function, normal energy metabolism, and protection of cells from oxidative stress. B vitamins and magnesium also help reduce fatigue and fatigue. Dietary supplements are available in the pharmacy. They offer a specific composition in two different flavors and three dosage forms.
