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Andrea Berg & Dieter Bohlen: dream couple is back together

Andrea Berg & Dieter Bohlen - musically a real dream couple.
Photo: imago / Star Media / APress

Collaboration for the new album

Surprise! They are a couple again! Actually, Andrea Berg (47) and Dieter Bohlen (59) had separated last year. Two years of successful collaboration for Andreas Albums "weightless" and "adventurer" came to an end.

"One should go, if it is the most beautiful, " Dieter Bohlen had told the "BILD" at that time. And Andrea Berg looked highly motivated into a future without the pop titan, visited even Lionel Richie in the US, was inspired.

But now Andrea Berg and Dieter Bohlen have reunited. True to the motto: "Never change a winning team", both work together on Andreas' new album "Atlantis".

"Yes, Andrea and Dieter are back together in the studio this month", confirmed Andrea Berg's manager of the "BILD".

Whether the two after Andreas guest appearance at "Germany seeks the superstar" have forged new plans? At least the success fairy tale can now go on. "Atlantis" should appear in September. So on the next chart hits!

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