Health News
The scratching in the throat, which tormented us yesterday, has disappeared. The bruise on the leg? Hard to see. From the cut in the index finger testifies only a slight red line. We were not at the doctor because of all this. Our body has cured itself, thanks to its self-healing powers .
This repair service works almost masterfully. If we cut ourselves, the following happens: White blood cells immediately open up to the damaged area of the skin to repel germs. At the same time the vessels narrow at the wound, the blood clots. The body produces new cells that close the injury.
The personality also has a big influence
Our internal doctor will not only cope with minor damage. If we break a bone, it is only our healing powers that make it grow together. The orthopedist uses a splint to keep the bone straight. Our body is even able to regrow the liver, for example, if a part of it was needed for a transplant. And again and again, there are cases of cancer patients, in which the tumor, contrary to all prognoses, "has regressed as if by itself". Scientists call the phenomenon of self-healing "salutogenesis".
How well our body cures itself is partly genetic. But also the personality has a big part in it. A new science, psychoneuroimmunology, explores how psyche, nervous system and defenses work together in self-healing . But one thing is already clear: we can do a lot to strengthen our inner doctor.