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From October: Britain prohibits smoking in the car in the presence of children

From the 1st of October smoking is prohibited in the car in the presence of children.
Photo: iStock

New smoking ban in the UK

Now that it has been banned in pubs, public buildings and restaurants, no one in the UK can smoke in cars - at least when children are present.

It is above all the health of children that is endangered by passive smoking. Still, this has not stopped many people from getting infected with a cigarette in the presence of the little ones. But that changes.

The government of Britain has now issued a ban on smoking in cars , which is effective when children under the age of 18 are in a car. The ban applies from 1 October. Who gets caught smoking, even though children are in the car, must pay a fine of 50 pounds, about 70 euros. We say that right!

Because research results of the University of Aberdeen, which have probably led inter alia to pronounce the ban, are really scary. Scientists have found that the levels of pollution in children sitting with smokers in their car are three times higher than the limit set by the World Health Organization (WHO). Not even the opening of the windows is enough to free the car interior of the pollutants.

For this reason, the British government has now pronounced the smoking ban in the car in the presence of children . Other European countries such as Greece or Cyprus already have such regulations.

Children are especially at risk from passive smoking as they are more susceptible to the harmful substances (pollutants). Passive smoking not only attacks the bronchi but also increases the risk of heart attack in children. The UK government says that 3 million children in the UK alone are exposed to passive health exposure each year in the UK alone.

From the ranks of German experts receives the ban much encouragement. Many are in favor of prohibiting smoking in German cars even in the presence of children. An opinion that we do not contradict. After all, such a ban would also help prevent the health of children in Germany.
