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13 relaxation techniques in front of the TV

Relaxation techniques: relax body and mind

Never was a commercial break used more effectively! We will introduce you to 13 small relaxation techniques that will allow you to relax your body and mind in just a few minutes - and quite simply in front of the TV.

13 relaxation techniques in front of the TV
Photo: Holger M nch, TRIAS Verlag

Every day a good act. This should not only apply to others, but also to oneself. For those who handle their own body mindfully and treat themselves to a round of relaxation every now and then is perfectly prepared for everyday stress. We present 13 relaxation techniques from the book "Rasant relaxed" by Prof. Dr. med. Norbert Fessler, for example, who you can perform in front of the TV in the commercial break.

13 easy relaxation techniques in front of the TV shows the gallery >>

Whether on the phone, in front of the computer, in the morning in the bathroom or while walking - many relaxation techniques can be easily integrated into everyday life without much time. Because the individual exercises usually last only a few seconds. Nevertheless, the effect is immense. Regularly performed, relaxation exercises can relieve back pain and neck tension and even prevent cardiovascular disease.

Book tip:

Discover in the guidebook "Rasant relaxed" by Prof. Dr. med. Norbert Fessler (Trias publishing house, around 15 euros) further relaxation techniques that you can easily integrate into your everyday life. Follow the recommended sequence or combine individual exercises into your individual relaxation program.

Meditation exercises for even more relaxation can be found here >>

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