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10 things that only women with freckles know

Uh, you have something! Many say, "Hyperpigmentation looks like a small smudge." I beg your pardon? Impudence! We love freckles.
Photo: iStock

Some find them sweet, the others annoying ...

Freckles are divided by freckles: some find them cute, the others perceive them as flaws. But they can only understand those who really have them! How to prove these ten points.

Freckles are certainly not only since Pippi Longstocking, the most beautiful way of Melaninüberproduktion. Often hereditary, they occur with preference in very fair-skinned people and usually in packs. Preferred places: face, arms, hands - everything that is irradiated by the sun (or the solarium ). Does not matter, because the small dots are - at least for us - welcome companions, which give every face an extraordinary touch. And sometimes among us scapegoats: There are things that only we understand with the funny little patches on the face and on the body. 10 examples complacent? No problem ...

1. Sunscreen is your best friend

Before each trip to the outdoors is the creaming with high SPF on. No, not a light lotion with cute SPF 30, but the thick, tough cream on which at least a 50 emblazoned and which is not properly absorbed even after half an hour.

2. A brown holiday stone has a high price

Why? Well, we will not even brown on holiday. The freckles will be more. And after two weeks of Mallorca sun, you ask yourself: how long will it take until my spots combine into a huge one?

3. Finding the right foundation is almost impossible

Make-up falls on your face just immediately ... even tinting day cream will not make friends with our freckles. Finding the right nuance is a life's work. Should she fit her face or freckles now ?! We are at a loss ...

4. People keep making you aware of food left over the face

"I think you have chocolate on your chin ... I'll get rid of that quickly." - Um, no, I have nothing! Does that sound familiar to anyone? Unfortunately yes ...

5. Ask people if you have counted them before

No, why should I?

6. You have your dermatologist on the speed dial button

We check our freckles daily. Only the smallest change? Schwupps, and we call our dermatologist.

7. You hear again and again: "Oh, you are so cute"

No matter how old you are and how you got yourself dressed, people with freckles just can not get out of their drawer: you're so cute. Menno!

8. People say they understand you, but they do not

If someone says to you "I also have freckles" - and around his nose are just three bright dots. Yes, no, it's clear.

9. Despite all, there are extra kohl pencils for freckles

Even the beauty industry has understood it and now distributes pens, with which one can paint artificial freckles . So-called "Freckle Pencils". What we learn from it: Everyone wants them, you have them! So, be proud!

10. How nice to have something in common with Emma Stone, Lucy Liu and Julianne Moore

Freckles are a sign of individuality - and it is never wrong to have in common with some of the greatest women on the planet. Yippie!

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