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World Cup in women's wear: funny photos from Finland


Finns organize world championship in women's wear

Wife Carrying World Championships - this is the title of a bizarre competition in Finland, where men piggyback their women on a crossover course.

Yes, really true, the Finns have a lot of fun taking their women around. So much so that they immediately made a huge competition out of it, with courses and rules and winners. Welcome to the World Cup in women's wear !

Grass, sand, gravel, obstacles and really nice deep moats - this is how the 250-meter course, which the participants of the " International Wife Carrying Competition " in Finland have to carry their lady of the heart, assembles.

Best technique: She wraps her legs around the neck of her husband, her head hangs at the height of his pos. Neck pain is guaranteed, after all, the woman must weigh at least 49 kilos. If she is lighter, she will be packed with some heavy rucksacks.

It gets really bad in the water. It really only helps to stop the air. Dripping wet, the girls are all after. And look what they do, as you look, when you are repeatedly dipped head first into the water.

Why are they doing that? Please, do not ask us for the meaning of the action. Rumor has it that it's all about celebrating properly afterwards. Officially, the bizarre competition of an old Finnish legend is emulated.

The story: In the 19th century, there was a villain named Ronkainen who fell in love with a pretty girl. So what did he do? Logically, he threw her over his shoulder and ran away. Nothing roses and candles or something ...

The competition has been increasing annually since 1992 in summer in the town of Sonkajärvi. However, this strange sport has already spread to other countries - from Australia to South America, everywhere men throw their women over the shoulder and tracked over huppelige routes what the stuff.

There are special prices for odd costumes, so some of the couples are painted green or painted like tigers. All images are in the gallery above to click through!
