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String Art: A piece of art from 24km string

Impressive Art: String Art

For 200 hours, Zenyk Palagniuk was working on his project, which began in a hardware store. There, 13, 000 nails landed in his shopping cart, next to several rolls of string. Then the work could begin. The artwork, which he presents eight days later, now thrills millions of people worldwide. Zenyk Palagniuk is a star on the internet.

But what did the artist do with his tools from the hardware store? The fascinating video accompanies every work step and still leaves the viewer fascinated. Everything looks so easy with Palagniuk.

The project starts in a not unusual way. A sketch is made, small and large strokes adorn a white background. But they alone do not create a work of art, they only serve to show Palagniuk the way with a hammer.

Then the artist begins to nail the first nail. From one to two and three, until eventually all 13, 000 nails are processed. Now the 24 kilometers of string are used, they are Palagniuks color, the material that makes his nails landscape into a work of art. String Art is the name of this particular art.

The picture is bigger than his artist, but Palagniuk does not lose track for a second. He works meticulously, every move is well thought out. The result is amazing. Although his work is accompanied step by step, in the end it still seems inconceivable how 24 kilometers of string and 13, 000 nails can produce such a work of art. Because what Zenyk Palagniuk presents in the video is not a photo, as real as it may seem. There are countless hardware store items whose mergers make Palagniuk an impressive string-art artist.

From 13, 000 nails and 24 kilometers of string Zenyk Palagniuk conjures a work of art. His string style is impressive!

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