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Recognize stress and escape it with our anti-stress tips.
Photo: iStock / CentralITAlliance

Stress trap everyday

No matter whether we experience it at work or at home: Stress is one of the greatest burdens on our health. But when you recognize stress, there are ways to slow down life. Recognizing regular breaks and personal needs are part of this. As you recognize stress and what you can do against him, we tell you here.

Recognize stress: warning signals

You recognize stress by clear signs of overload when your daily life changes noticeably. Therefore, regularly answer the following questions: Do I have tension headaches more often? Do I smoke more than usual or do I eat and drink uncontrollably? Can I sleep or sleep badly? Also, anxiety, nervousness, irritability and sudden tears are among the emotional warning signs. Likewise, the constant feeling of not being able to think clearly.

Frontier Stress: What is more positive, what is negative stress?

It is difficult to draw a line here because every person has a different sense of stress. Positive stress inspires, tickles peak performances and lets our self-esteem grow. The engine of this so-called Eustresses is the adrenaline release.

In negative stress, the distress, cortisone is increased increased. The head and body react to blockage - the stress can no longer be overcome. Pay attention to your reaction to different requirements: Only then can you tell if the resulting stress is positive or negative for you.

Physical reactions to stress

The adrenal glands produce adrenaline and cortisone. Adrenaline provides for an increase in energy in stess situations. Blood pressure, blood sugar levels and heart rate increase. The improved blood flow can even lead to peak performance.

Cortisone is responsible for the regulation of many bodily functions during chronic stress. If it is released over a longer period of time, it can lead to a derailment of many metabolic processes - the immune system is weakened.

The consequences: high blood pressure, heart problems, tinnitus or ear noises, agitation, sleep disorders, dizziness and gastrointestinal complaints.

Stress factors and how they affect our heart

Among other things, stress in the job is a big factor that can cause health problems at heart. The Hamburger Abendblatt reported in a study from 2012 that frequent time pressure, the increase in the volume of work, interruptions or disturbances in the daily work process, frequent overtime, physical exertion and a lot of responsibility are the biggest stressors.

Factors such as lack of recognition in the form of an adjusted salary, worsening of employment, too little recognition of superiors, poor opportunities for advancement and unfair treatment in the workplace can literally go to the heart.

Chronic stress causes a permanent adrenaline release. This stress hormone allows the body to switch to "combat" or "escape mode": our blood pressure climbs upwards, the muscles are supplied with more blood.

In the Stone Age, this fight-and-flight reflex made sense: after all, a cave bear could break out of the bushes at any time. But today we no longer have to be constantly on alert.

Consequence: Because the "discharge" is missing, the adrenaline stays in our body and ensures a permanent tension. The concomitant increased blood pressure can damage the heart. You can break down the increased adrenaline level eg with sports.

relaxation methods

Good experiences are made with relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, yoga or progressive muscle relaxation. Ask your doctor or the health insurance company what offers are available in your place, so that you can learn the correct exercises and later perform alone.

Exercise is also an excellent way to counteract stress . In particular, endurance sports such as Nordic walking and swimming have proven themselves.
