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Perfect Relationship: These similarities are good for love

Harmony in Relationship: We all wish that! But which factors are actually responsible for this?
Photo: Oliver Rossi / Corbis
  1. What connects partners
  2. Similar being
  3. Common life goals
  4. Need for proximity
  5. Physical attraction
  6. Shared chaos
  7. Interest in others
  8. Same education level
  9. Financial security
  10. Family background

What connects partners

We have found out which similarities are good for love - and which little contrasts enliven the everyday relationship. How perfect you really should fit together, read here.

There are couples, we are really jealous of them: When they enter a room, the air vibrates. And you only think: They have the perfect relationship ! How do they do that? The answer: These couples have a lot in common - but also like their opposites. Because in order to have a good partnership, we (fortunately!) Do not have to harmonize in everything. But in these nine points we should agree:

Similar being

When we are similarly knit, we feel understood and easier to build trust . The more character traits match, the more we recognize ourselves in our loved one. And: That makes it easier for us to check out his mini-quirks.

Common life goals

The big picture has to be right. Common goals are a booster for love . We show that we have a plan for our common future, which we implement bit by bit. Once we have reached a milestone, the feeling of happiness gives us a push to keep going. And strengthens our confidence in the relationship.

Need for closeness

If we make plans together, we would like to share everything: our thoughts, fears, desires. All the better, if the sweetheart sees the same. Because keeping a relationship in the long run should be similar to how close you need to be . And how far you want to open yourself to the other. If the needs are too divergent, one will feel reset. And the other narrowed.

Physical attraction

Sure, at the beginning of a relationship , we can hardly keep our hands off each other . But even after the infatuation phase tenderness is balm for love. Because when we harmonize physically, this gives us a confirmation boost and strengthens our self-confidence.

Shared chaos

If both partners do not have the same understanding of order, the greatest enemy of love comes out of the ambush: constant dissatisfaction. And in the long run, it makes you feel tired, you feel patronized - and socks that are lying around become real stumbling blocks for love.

Interest in others

Of course we listen to our loved one when he tells us enthusiastically about his new bike with 24-speed gearshift. For that, we are also allowed to lecture to our heart's content on the benefits of organic cotton without reaping the annoyance of an annoyed eye roll. Mutual interest ensures that we feel valued - and a bit more special.

Same education level

Great, if you have a walking encyclopedia as a partner! But besides that, one can also feel quite "small". Ideal: You complement yourself - and the chance for that is highest when both have the same level of education. This increases our self-confidence because you are not afraid to sound stupid. Specialist knowledge in very different areas, however, is really exciting for love.

Financial security

Studies show that couples earning about the same amount lead more stable relationships. The reason: you feel, well, equivalent. Also important in long relationships: a similar relationship to spending money. Because if only one penny saves for the household budget, while the other is constantly shopping, one feels quickly exploited. And both are slipping into the (financial) crisis.

Family background

No family is perfect - but many families have familiar quirks. Why is it good to have a similar background? Because you understand yourself better and grew up with similar problems. Both increase the sympathy for the other and strengthen our sense of security and security.

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