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Editor'S Choice

Stop thinking that our body is just there to give birth to children!

Travel the world, run a marathon: A woman's body can do so many things.
Photo: iStock

Women can do so much more

It is outdated and narrow-minded, yet the opinion is still very widespread that a woman's body is only really female when he gives birth to children. Why today no one should think like this anymore ...

Every day we women are confronted with things that are supposed to make us more feminine. The society makes demands on our body. He is said to be thinner, more proportioned and still a bit more perfect to be considered feminine.

Furthermore, there is still a widespread thought that a woman's body does not fulfill its real purpose until we give birth to a child. An opinion that should be clearly abolished. After all, it can not be that a woman's body is reduced to conceiving and getting offspring. There are so many other things that our bodies can do without being less feminine. We decide for ourselves what we want to do with our body.

Our body can lift weights, run a marathon, climb the highest mountains in the world and win gold medals.

He can govern countries, make a career and endure a lot of stress. He can love, be hurt, grieve and help us discover our inner child. He can dance the nights away or just lay on the couch for a whole day, devouring books. He can travel the whole world or feel best in his home garden. He can look great in any size. He can fall 1, 000 times and still get up. He can sympathize and comfort. Our body can change the world - if we want it.

And yes, a female body can also give birth to children. He can protect a new little life for nine months and give him everything it takes to be healthy in the world. But only if a woman decides to do so with her body. Women who decide against it or who can not have children themselves are therefore no less feminine. And nobody has the right to assert the opposite.
