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Editor'S Choice

Heartbreaking video: The thoughts of an abandoned dog

Photo: Screenshot / Chang Puper

"Do not you want me anymore?"

After this video, hopefully no one will leave his pet behind. The thoughts of the abandoned dog are heartbreaking!

A dog is not just a pet. He is part of a family. The love a dog brings to its master is limitless. The grief is all the greater when he is suddenly exposed by his family. An animal is not an object that you leave behind at will. It is a creature that should be shown at least as much affection as it gives you.

This advertising should shake up people who are still repressing this fact. What happens in an animal if it is simply left? The video recreates the thoughts of a suspended dog left behind by his family.

The four-legged friend comes as a puppy to his new family, who cares lovingly for him. He grows up in a sheltered home, nothing can doubt the affection of his master - until the family gets growth. Suddenly, there's no time for the dog to just be dumped by the side of the road. His thoughts are dominated by ignorance. How should a dog understand why he is being left overnight?

The desperate barking of the four-legged friend is heartbreaking. The video shows that you can not just dispose of an animal like an old home appliance. Instead, treat it like a family member and give it back a piece of the love it gives people day after day.


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