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Editor'S Choice

Helene Fischer: She pays a very high price for her luck

Alone in the spotlight, alone on stage - but Helene's success also has many dark sides.
Photo: Imago / Future Image

She is Germany's superstar, she is desired and loved

There are moments when everything is too much for her. When will she start to live properly? When may she be free?

At the age of 20, life is still easy. Weightless like butterflies, women can fly through the day at that age. Most have no obligations. The thoughts of tomorrow are not afraid. It is the light heartedness of the youth that carries her carefree through life. A wonderful feeling.

But Helene Fischer (28) does not know that. For she was never allowed to live the lightness that women of her age swarm about. The singer admits now: "I grew up too fast. I have not been able to do many things that others do in their early 20s! "

Instead of celebrating and enjoying her youth, Helene has worked hard to promote her career as a superstar. The goal: success, sold-out tours and making people happy with their music.

But, finally arrived in Schlagerolymp, she suddenly senses how high the price for this happiness . Helene admits: "I stood on stage and entertained an audience. Like many of my girlfriends who lived and enjoyed time, I did not do much at parties and nightclubs. Because my job has taken me so! "

A profession she loves, but who can also make lonely. Instead of recreational fun, it often means: learning texts for hours, preparing for the next tour, rehearsing. And after the concert there is also rarely a chance for fun. "Sometimes I'm so tired, " admits Helene Fischer, "that I go straight to the room. Because everything is so quiet, I always have a radio with me or a TV running. "

How long can and does she want to endure this life? The loneliness, the pressure to succeed? It's time to change something. Because today is the first day of the rest of her life ...

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