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Fish conservation: Edeka takes Schillerlocken from the sale

Edeka sells no more Schillerlocken. The fish specialty ensures the extinction of the Dornhais and should therefore no longer be sold.

Schillerlocken can no longer be found in Edeka's assortment
Photo: Istock

Schillerlocken are a popular smoked fish specialty. They are skinned abdomen of the spiny dogfish. When smoking, they contract and get the characteristic look of a curl.

The spiny dogfish is threatened by overfishing. He is on the red list of endangered species. In addition, the natural methylmercury content of Schillerlocken is considered too high for humans. Per kilogram Schillerlocke about 700 micrograms of methylmercury are included. A human should consume no more than 0.1 micrograms of methylmercury per kilogram of body weight per day.

Now Edeka also sees that the sale of Schillerlocken and all Haiprodukten should be stopped. The reasoning of the group: "There is a decision to list all shark products for reasons of species protection." And that, although the approved MSC seal does not exclude the sale of dogfish.

The MSC certificate gives information about the endangerment of fish and grants certificates for sustainable fishing grounds. MSC releases a specific area in the northeastern Pacific Ocean for the fishing of the thorn-shark. Nevertheless, Edeka stops the sale. From the company it is said that the mood of the buyer has also swung around and you therefore go in and sold sustainable fish products.

Even the owner-operated Edeka stores that are affiliated to the Group are strongly advised not to order Dornhai products through other dealers. The Edeka cooperative includes around 12, 000 shops. Part of the group include Netto, Marktkauf and Spar.

Getötete Dornhaie
Spotted dogfish
Photo: Istock