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Editor'S Choice

Wrinkled star faces

Aging stars

Wrinkle-free celebrities wherever you go! Boring - find original Photoshop fans and let Emma Watson, Beyoncé, Kate Moss & Co.

For a change, look quite old. We show the unfamiliar celebrity pictures in the gallery.

Wrinkled skin, yellow teeth and light hair - not Hollywood! In the vanity market, it's the adolescent mania that turns many stars into real Botox monsters. No wonder that the celebrities look even in old age, as if they had just fallen into the fountain of youth.

Back to the Future! Take a journey through time in the gallery with Rihanna and Co. (20 pictures).

Anyone who believes that they never see the celebrity world grow old has been wrong. Creative minds let their imagination run wild through Photoshop at, and in a contest, they let stars like Kate Moss age early. Your haircut in the "undone look" remains the model probably a lifetime - whether she wants to distract from the wrinkles?

Wrinkles hit gray hair

Even the otherwise wrinkle-free Robert Pattinson suddenly looks really old and that does not seem to suit him, as grim as he looks. His gray hair and wrinkles make him look really wise. And even Beyoncé is put into early retirement and shows up even in old age with wild curls and striking jewelry - some things never change.

Hair & Styling: Robert Pattinson on COSMOPOLITAN Online >>

Fitness: Heidi Klum on SHAPE Online >>
