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Iron deficiency: That's how easy the right diet is

Ferrous foods are easy to integrate into the diet.
Photo: Thinkstock
  1. Ferrous foods
  2. How much iron do I need?
  3. What causes iron deficiency?
  4. What role does our diet play?
  5. Are women particularly at risk during the period and pregnancy?
  6. How healthy are iron supplements?
  7. Can our body store iron?

Ferrous foods

The great role played by iron in our organism is unknown to most. Even less do you know how easy it is to replenish the iron store every day. Those who resort to iron-containing foods prevent symptoms such as pale skin, brittle nails and iron deficiency .

How much iron do I need?

Iron needs change over the course of life. Depending on age, gender and circumstances, the body sometimes needs more, sometimes less iron. Basically, the male organism comes out with less iron than the female. Boys between the ages of 14 and 18 need 12 mg of iron a day on average, men between 19 and 50 10 mg daily. The female organism takes 15 mg of iron due to the monthly bleeding. The value doubles in pregnant women, who still breastfeeds still needed 20 mg daily. Even seniors, athletes, blood donors and vegetarians are dependent on a higher iron value. The same applies to people with blood disorders, tumors or rheumatism sufferers.

What causes iron deficiency?

The iron metabolism is correct when intake and consumption are in equilibrium. Around half of all women suffer from iron deficiency; men account for just under 15%. How does this happen?

Blood loss means iron loss. With every little hemorrhage the body loses a certain amount of the important trace element. This case occurs more frequently in women. Reason: The monthly menstrual period. If the demand is greater than the supply, the iron balance is out of balance. This is often observed in the growth phase of children. The most common reason for iron deficiency: A missing, iron-containing diet.

What role does our diet play?

Those who eat a balanced diet usually consume enough iron-containing food . Those who do not, should deal with this issue all the more intensively. There is still the misconception that leaf spinach is so full of iron. An error. In fact, it is only a faulty calculation of the physiologist Gustav von Bunge. He put the decimal place wrong and calculated an iron content of 41mg / 100g of spinach, instead of the true iron value of 4g per 100g / 100g vegetables. It is important that iron-containing foods are taken in the right combination. Coffee, black tea and dairy products inhibit the absorption of iron, paprika and vitamin C-containing products, such as orange juice promote the absorption of the trace element. Plant iron can be better metabolized by the body than iron from animal foods.

Are women particularly at risk during the period and pregnancy?

Some women lose up to 100 ml of blood a month, normal is a loss of 50 ml. This is equivalent to about two filled espresso cups. At the same time, this means a loss of 15-30 mg of iron, depending on the size of the bleeding. The body can not compensate for this temporary iron deficiency on its own. Those who are in the phase of their period should pay particular attention to an iron-containing diet. Occasionally it makes sense to resort to iron supplements. However, this should only be done with the agreement of a doctor.

Even those who are pregnant depend on an iron-containing diet . The daily requirement for iron doubles to 30mg. The reason for this is the rising blood volume. The importance of iron should not be underestimated. Not infrequently it comes to premature birth and a low weight of the baby.

How healthy are iron supplements?

Iron supplements are freely available. As tablets in the pharmacy and in the drugstore or as juice in the supermarket - the danger of these preparations is underestimated in most cases. If you take too much iron, you risk becoming ill. In older women, the intake of iron supplements can lead to increased mortality. All others are at risk of heart and liver diseases. Investigations confirm the suspicion that there is a link between cancer and increased iron stores. The latter often develops into a serious iron storage disease.

Can our body store iron?

The human body can store only small amounts of iron, in men this value is 5g and in women 4g daily. This means that this memory has to be replenished daily. The easiest way to do this is with an iron-rich diet. The iron we need for our bodily functions is stored in organs and tissues and amounts to just 10% of the total iron stores. The remaining 90% are spread to the liver, spleen, bone marrow and red blood cells.
