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The 7 best TippsKita: farewell without tears

The child clings to the leg of the mom, thick tears roll: The farewell in the morning in the daycare is often difficult, these tips make it easier.

Photo: iStock
  1. Trust in the educator
  2. Solid farewell rituals
  3. Something familiar at the side
  4. Dad takes over
  5. To say goodbye
  6. Before the rush hour
  7. Make your child feel like kindergarten

With the tears of giving in the crib, the kindergarten or the childminder come the doubts. Is it too early? Do I work too long? Is the daycare inappropriate? Those who have their child cared for by others know this. Often even the familiarization of usually one month is super and the first correct working days after parental leave become a catastrophe.

These tips can help you and your child:

Trust in the educator

Make sure that even in the acclimation always the same supervisor is there, that creates trust. Your child needs a caregiver who knows it when it has to say goodbye to you. This person should be able to calm your child within a few minutes, a maximum of half an hour. This is very important, especially at the beginning. No child likes to be given to total strangers.

Solid farewell rituals

Keep the farewell short and loving - and above all always the same. Give your child a kiss or hug her, say goodbye and tell him you'll pick it up soon. Always say goodbye, even if your child is engrossed in a game. The fixed rituals on a daycare day can start at home, so that your child knows from the beginning what he or she will be after. Even if your child cries a lot, never cry, that makes it even harder for the child. Let's call or email an educator when your baby calms down. This is what many kindergartens offer.

Something familiar at the side

A comforter, a pacifier, a favorite cuddly toy or even a photo of the parents can do wonders for the child in the day care center. Giving something familiar from home can be a great source of confidence for your child. There are also cuddly animals in which you can integrate photos, maybe it helps your child.

Dad takes over

If your child is a typical mommy child, then it may be advisable - as far as possible - to make the familiarization in the daycare the dad. They take the leave often looser and that transfers to the child. The farewell to Mama can then be celebrated at home. Conversely, this also applies to dad kids.

To say goodbye

Even before the settling in the day care center or the daycare, you can practice the goodbye. For a visit to the grandparents with a farewell to mom for shopping or a babysitter who occasionally takes care of your child, even a toddler group used the children very well to the later care situation.

Before the rush hour

Bring your child to the daycare before the core time, when there are not that many children left. Then it is easier for the educators to deal with your child more thoroughly than when all the children are already there and there is not so much time left for each one.

Make your child feel like kindergarten

Tell your child on the way to kindergarten or childminder, what you can do there great. Puzzling, reading aloud, playing outside, etc. But stay realistic, you do not want to disappoint your child.

And yes, it can sometimes happen that it does not work with the care. Then you push the whole thing up again. In most cases, it just takes longer than average. Hold on!

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