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"Celebrity Wonder Women"

They are beautiful, successful and stand with both legs in life: Our "celebrity miracle women"! Charlotte Engelhardt, presenter at ProSieben, answers the WUNDERWEIB questionnaire. And would you have known? In her purse she always has "baggy bags" ...

1. "Wunderweib": Who or what comes to mind spontaneously?

Charlotte Engelhardt : My mom! For not only did she give birth to two healthy and wild daughters, but she also brought her up to class and made everything possible! Thanks!

2. The biggest miracle of your life ...?

Charlotte Engelhardt : When my sister was born. At the age of 5, I knew: Charlotte, now you have to take responsibility and be there for your little sister. That was a great feeling!

3. What "miracle power / wondrous ability" would you like to possess?

Charlotte Engelhardt : I would like to be the serial character "The Sentinel". His senses are over-sensitive.

4. What miracle cure do you recommend for your health?

Charlotte Engelhardt : Walks! Fresh air, let your thoughts fly and take a deep breath! For the hard-working, I recommend strength and endurance training two to three times a week. Because honestly, who wants to crawl up the stairs at 60?

5. What would you do if you could be a man for a day?

Charlotte Engelhardt : Then I would explore my brain !! Especially the sector love, sex and tenderness :-)!

6. In addition to money, mobile phone and keys, what things should not be missing in your purse?

Charlotte Engelhardt : The Leash of my Great Dane Labrador Mix Leon and his bags ...

7. What advice was the best your mother gave you along the way?

Charlotte Engelhardt : My motto in life: Always get up more than fall down, then you can do everything :-)

8. What's your favorite and what's your worst part in the wardrobe?

Charlotte Engelhardt : I love my joggers and Nike sneakers! So comfortable! In all colors and cuts! In contrast, I hate a butterfly sequin top. I bought that part of my pocket money many years ago, along with my best friend Rebecca. At that time we went to the disco with it ... Very embarrassing!

9. Let's be honest: how many pairs of shoes do you really own?

Charlotte Engelhardt : Honestly? I dont know! But very, very, very many ...

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