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Burning nipple questions6 amazing facts about nipples

They get hard whenever they want, they hurt now and then, and in general our nipples are one of our most mysterious body parts. We reveal six reassuring facts!

Nipples facts
  1. Itchy nipples
  2. Hair on the forecourt
  3. Hard nipples in sexual arousal
  4. Hard nipples in cold weather
  5. Painful nipples
  6. "Licking" nipples

Anyone who stands in a cold with a thin top, knows it all too well: Our nipples can have an amazing life of their own. The same applies to the date with a hot guy, we actually did not want to know so exactly that we find him hot. But other questions also raise the nipples: Why do they sometimes itch, why do they often hurt ... 6 Nipple phenomena got to the bottom:

Itchy nipples

Itchy nipples rarely have cause for concern. In most cases it is because nipples are easily irritated. A badly fitting bra, too strong a detergent or a shower gel, which is tolerated well on the rest of the body ... on the breasts woman reacts very sensitive.

Itching nipples: That's behind it and you can do that

Hair on the forecourt

Anyone who has ever found one or the other hair on the forecourt knows the horror feeling. I hope he did not notice! They make themselves felt whenever the woman goes through hormonal changes ... puberty, pregnancy, changes in hormonal methods of contraception. Rarely is a disease responsible that needs to be treated. However, polycystic ovaries or hypothyroidism may be the case and require medical attention.

Hard nipples in sexual arousal

It does not always happen, but often, that the nipples harden when something upsets us. In direct contact, it's no wonder: Tiny muscle cells in the nipple contract when touched. In addition, the "excitement" of the nipple in the brain but works similar to the genital excitement of the man.

Hard nipples in cold weather

When it comes to arousal, why do the nipples get hard when we're cold? This "pilomotor" reflex comes from our ancestors, who still had hair all over their bodies. Muscle fibers on the coat contracted in the cold, leaving the hair sticking out, thus preserving heat on the surface of the skin. Today we notice this effect only on goose bumps or just on erect nipples.

Painful nipples

Piercing, painful, sensitively reacting nipples are not only a sign of pregnancy, but also often have to do with the female cycle. Especially during the PMS phase, they make themselves uncomfortable in such a way.

"Licking" nipples

A milky fluid that comes out of the nipple is not just a phenomenon of nursing mothers. Those who used to have their child with their breasts tend to do so years later. Often benign cysts are responsible or hormonal changes (menopause, new pill, etc). Rarely, the leakage of fluid has serious causes, the doctor should still investigate.
