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Consciously snackingNo say: The simplest sports program in the world

Saying no to many is difficult, especially with sweets. You do not have to do without snacking. As you know, we betray here.

Photo: blanaru / iStock

You may not believe it, but Patric Heizmann says sport does not require much effort. It is a simple and very effective movement: Turn the head once to the left, then back to the starting position. Then to the right and back again. That's it!

Anyone picking up this choreography and picking up more and more on it as soon as someone heads towards you with a piece of cake, biscuits or snacks will probably be able to turn left just before the head shaking movement is sustained vigorously. Then we have saved calories in relation to about 30 minutes of jogging, 60 minutes of swimming or two hours of dog gassing!

Meaning: just a convinced "NO! That does not have to be ". Because: If you eat an average of 100 calories per day above your calorie requirement (that's equivalent to a rib of chocolate, or a small handful of gummy bears or a glass of juice), this packs a whopping five kilograms of body fat per year into your fat stores. and butt.

Of course, it's a challenge to resist the temptations. But the more reference experiences are collected, the easier it gets. A serious "no" could also be inspired by the following slogan: One minute on the lips, but a lifetime on the ribs!

If you shake off on average only 100 Kcal per day, then your body shakes off even five kilograms of fat. And if you even come to 200, 300 calories?

Our fitness coach also says: "Being lean is what happens in the kitchen." If you want to know why sport is just an add-on to abnegating, you should now check out the free online semir from professional Patric Heizmann.

Before snacking, always think of the "after": It only tastes short. To settle for a very long time. Is this really worth it? Which does not mean that you never enjoy treats anymore. But consciously to deal with it, not to play a trash can for leftover food of the children and to do only family members, friends and acquaintances a favor, while mitschlemmt, although there is no real need for it.

Each "no" is rewarded with the sweet taste of the proud feeling after all the others have already neutralized the taste while the calories destined for you have found another home.

Patric Heizmann, shows in his free online seminar that snacking is not forbidden, it's about the right middle ground. If you want to know how the coach does it, take part in the non-binding seminar now.

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