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Surprising birth woman gets twins as she goes to the bathroom

Everything started when Briton Claire was just 19 years old. One day, she woke up and felt anything but good.

Certainly, Claire would not have expected to have two babies when she went to the bathroom.
Photo: YouTube / TLC Nederland

Her arms felt numb and temporarily paralyzed. Besides, her limbs seemed to swell. From her doctor, the young woman then got the devastating diagnosis: Claire was suffering from multiple sclerosis (short: MS).

To control the symptoms of the incurable disease, Claire developed a rigorous plan to take certain medications. This one worked too. Five months after her diagnosis, Claire was able to return to work. However, she had no idea what her life would be like in the future.

Then she met Paul. The two fell in love. Four years later, her fortune was crowned by the birth of her first child together. It could not have been better for Paul and Claire. Her illness had the young woman well in control of this tipping point.

In March 2005, however, the small family suffered a heavy blow. Claire's MS returned. The relapse caused the right side of her body to become paralyzed. Her doctors prescribed her steroids and Claire had to spend a lot of time in bed. So she was not surprised that she gained three or four kilos. She did not expect anything other than her medication or bed rest to be the cause of her weight gain.

Never would Claire and her husband Paul have expected what to expect next.

One night, Claire was awakened by very strong cramps. She had no idea how right she should be when she told her husband that the pain would feel like contractions.

Claire struggled to the bathroom. Assuming that she had it with her stomach, she went to the toilet - and was totally unprepared for what happened next. Because the battles were actually contractions! And the young woman, while she was in the bathroom, did not bring a baby, but two to the world!

A shock to the couple: She had not expected a pregnancy at all. Until the birth of her twins, Claire's period had been perfectly regular.

As great as the amazement was, the joy of the unexpected happiness was even greater.

The whole story is here in the video:

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