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During pregnancy and especially at birth, the body of a woman performs true high performance. Especially the pelvic floor muscles are used. Therefore, we have put together a pelvic floor workout for you, which brings you back in shape.

  1. Pelvic floor activation
  2. The elevator
  3. Ischial tuberosity
  4. bridging
  5. Sitting on ball with abduction

Pelvic floor activation

Lie on your back and angle your legs. Breathe in and out evenly. Now pull the pelvic floor muscles alternately inwards and upwards. Repeat the exercise three times for about five seconds.

If you would like to vary the exercise: Press the loin area firmly onto the mat while straightening your pelvis.

Tip: To activate the pelvic floor, the idea helps to interrupt a running urine stream. Pay attention to an even breathing.

The elevator

Sit upright on an exercise ball or chair, hands placed around the waist. Now inhale slowly while pulling the navel inwards. Activate the pelvic floor with the aid of the urinary stream presentation (see tip exercise one) and to varying degrees. As if leading her pelvic floor to the first, second and third floors.

How good you are, you can feel: Put your hand on your stomach - the greater the distance, the more you activate your pelvic floor muscles.

Ischial tuberosity

Sit upright on a gym ball. Grasp the ischial tuberosities with your hands (see small illustration). Activate the pelvic floor muscles with the Urine Jet Method and gently pull your hands outward, creating a gentle pressure on the ischial tuberosities.

The goal is to actively work with the pelvic floor muscles against this train. Do three times five repetitions with short breaks. Later, you can increase to three times ten repetitions - without a break.


Lie in the supine position and angle your legs. The neck muscles should be relaxed. If you like, use a pillow for support. The arms also help to stabilize the body.

Now activate the pelvic floor muscles (remember how to hold your urine stream) while stretching your hips. Then: lay down briefly, relax and start all over again. Do this exercise three times with five repetitions each. Take breaks in between.

Sitting on ball with abduction

Sit upright on an exercise ball and shift your body weight to your feet. Now try to keep a pillow between your knees. Now activate the pelvic floor (see exercise one) and press your knees against the ball's resistance - for about five seconds. Begin this exercise three times five seconds, then three times ten seconds. Take short breaks in between.

Also interesting:

Love balls against pelvic floor weakness - that's how it works
